Monday, January 13, 2025
In ancient times, if you had a problem with your computer or an application, the answer might be in the documentation. At that time, it was said that the cost and space requirements of the computer were dwarfed by the cost and space requirements of the documentation. If you could not find the answer in your wall sized bookshelves of documentation, a professional expert was needed, or the problem was just declared unsolvable.
Somewhat later, say mid 1990's, the idea of online help from someone sharing your computer screen on the young web appeared. (I helped invent one of the first systems like that at IBM.)
Later, if you had a problem, Google started making it possible to google it. If someone had encountered that earlier, you might find some kind of solution on the web. Still later, you might find an explanation posted on YouTube on the web. It was still hit-or-miss, and depended on what was already written down or had been explained on some video that search could find.
Now, OPEN AI GPT o1 will listen to your problem, and coach you through the answer. If you have a problem, it will give you more detail. The help can be amazing.
One example: In a multi-page sign-on/registration for an application, I was stuck. The NEXT button would not light up. I asked o1 for help. It explained how one of the terms on the page could not be seen unless the page was full screen, and that a button was looking for something quite different from what it seemed to me to be asking for. To make me feel better(?) o1 even pointed out that other people had the same problem!
The instructions from o1 were considerably more complete, easier to follow, and more correct, than the instructions from the application's own site!
I've had similar success getting HELP!!! using o1 a number of other times!
Labels: A history of HELP!, GPT o1, IBM, Open AI