Sunday, September 01, 2024



A very interesting YouTube short noted that CHAT GPT & other AI models did not correctly answer the question "How many r's are there in the word, "strawberry" ?". They answered 2, but the correct answer, of course, is 3. (stRawbeRRy).

(Note: I'm curious if the recent announcement of Open AI's "Strawberry" model is related to this issue.  According to some reports, "Strawberry" is better at "precise" reasoning -- like math -- than AI predecessors.)

According to the short, this is because of the way the AI algorithm tokenizes the question (aka prompt).

I decided to test it.. First, here is a link to the short:

Here is my dialog with Chat GPT 4o:


You said:
how many "r".s in the word "strawberry"
ChatGPT said:

The word "strawberry" contains two "r"s.

You said:
No. there are three r's s t r a w b e r r y
ChatGPT said:

I see where the confusion might have come from, but the word "strawberry" indeed has two "r"s. Here’s the breakdown:

  • s
  • t
  • r
  • a
  • w
  • b
  • e
  • r
  • r
  • y

So there are two "r"s in "strawberry."

You said:
s t r=1 a w b e r=2 r=3 y 3 r's. I just counted
ChatGPT said:

It seems there's a mix-up. Let’s break it down again:

  • The first "r" is in the third position: s t r a w b e r r y
  • The second "r" is in the eighth position: s t r a w b e r r y
  • The third "r" you mentioned might be the same as the one in the ninth position, but it's actually still the second "r."

So the word "strawberry" has two "r"s, not three. The confusion might be because the second "r" is repeated in your count, but it doesn't add up to three different "r"s.

You said:
the two r's come one right after another, but there is still one r by itself and 2 more r's together
ChatGPT said:

Apologies for the confusion in my previous responses. You are correct.

Let's break down the word "strawberry" letter by letter:

  1. S
  2. T
  3. R (1st "r")
  4. A
  5. W
  6. B
  7. E
  8. R (2nd "r")
  9. R (3rd "r")
  10. Y

So, "strawberry" contains three "r"s:

  1. The first "r" in the third position.
  2. The second "r" in the eighth position.
  3. The third "r" right after the second one in the ninth position.

Thank you for pointing that out, and I apologize for the earlier mistake!

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